M&A Advisory

Valuepro can provide "end-to-end" advisory support across the entire M&A cycle comprising Capital Restructuring and Portfolio management services to ensure value creation with effective risk mitigation:

M&A Strategy and Execution:

Valuepro can support companies in reviewing and updating their existing strategy which shall ensure the alignment of company's strategy with the organizational goals and objectives:

  1. Establishment of M&A strategy compirising the screeing and prioritisation criteria aligned with the growth and/or portfolio strategy of the client.
  2. Identification of value creating M&A opportunities.
  3. Detailed techno-commercial due diligence, transaction structuring, financing strategies and development of transaction specific detailed financial models for business valuation to facilitate innovative financing (acquisition financing, leveraged buyout etc.).
  4. Advisory support for the structuring and/or negotiation of commercial/ legal contracts/agreements to ensure effective risk mitigation.
  5. Advisory support for the “Post M&A integration strategy” and execution support comprising project management plans and its effective implementation.
Capital Restructuring:
  1. Establishment of prudent capital structure and financing mix comprising equity, mezzanine/ sub-ordinated debt etc., plain vanilla and complex financing structures comprising working capital/ trade financing solutions and acquisition financing,
  2. Advisory for negotiation for most competitive terms of financing with the banks/ lenders/ financial institutions
Portflio Management:

Advisory support to establish the way forward strategy for "non-core" and "non-performing" assets with a deep dive/ review of the existing business modelling strategy:

  1. Identification of key value levers, evaluation and recommendation of strategic options comprising strategic alliances/ JVs, asset spin off with a capital/ financial restructuring for value creation/ maximisation.
  2. Advisory support for the effective execution of the agreed strategic options for the asset portfolio and/or individual assets.

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